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A Taste of Meditation

CD by Sandy Wright

As a lawyer, Sandy Wright understands the pressures of the business world, including long hours and stress. Sandy created “A Taste of Meditation” for all those of us with little time and overactive minds. In this CD she explores three different techniques, which can be used separately or in combination depending on the time available or your preference for the day. “A Taste of Meditation” is a valuable introduction to meditation as well as a resource for anyone who has been practicing for a while — you can go at your own pace.

  • Cost: $33.00 (Includes GST) + $5.00 postage & handling
  • Payment Options for the Meditation CD:
  • Payment by telephone using credit card details or by cheque

Guided meditation for both beginners and experienced meditators

A Taste of Meditation CD, by Sandy Wright